Meandering Thoughts

by Ricardo

Since I have not posted anything on this wonderful site for some time I thought that it was about time to do so, so with that being said, here it goes!

I had a nice conversation with a friend living in Oklahoma that I seldom see anymore, but, around the holidays we hook up on the phone and bring each other up to date on what is happening in our lives.

We used to vist every few years, but with age and health concerns not so much. We go back some 50 plus years.

Our paths crossed in the army in basic training then advanced training as military police candidates in Augusta, Georgia back in the year 1970.

We were both stationed in Thailand T a base located on the gulf of Thailand, a beautiful country then AND now. We became fast friends and kept the relationship going back in the states separated by miles BUT, connected by memories & experiences that WE still reflect on whenever we talk, as was the case yesterday during our phone conversation.

He brought up a few things that occurred back in the day that came flooding back to me as if they occurred yesterday! There is something about time and space and memories that just cannot be erased. We laughed and joked over the past and shared some things that perhaps only he and I know about, the conversation felt comfortable and relaxed.

I felt good that we reconnected. He has been thru some health concerns that he shared with me and the subject revolved around responses to negativity in our lives which as we age we both agreed were occurring more and more whether we wanted them to or not.

He has always had a positive attitude that has carried him thru many rocky roads in his life. I shared with him the fact that he was a strong person and could adjust to change and accept things as they came much easier than I and many other people. I told him that that was a blessing and he agreed, it came naturally and he did not seem to have to work at it.

We both agreed that some people carried their crosses in life silently. As the conversation progressed I realized how important health and friendships were in my life.

So, with that being said, please cherish BOTH your health AND your friendships during this holiday season AND, ALL thru the year.

Happy holidays to one and all!

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