Retirement Move:
London to Maldives

by Jeff

I lived in London before I retired. I lived there through out my career until I retired. I moved to Maldives after I retired. I visited this place couple of times before my retirement.

I moved to this place in search new friends and connections where I can explore myself. This place is quite calm and enjoyable. London was quite busy and noisy and always in a hurry mode. But I loved overall atmosphere of Maldives its living cost and many others. It is a lovely place for retired people.

Maldives offers wonderful atmosphere to lead calm and enjoyable retired life. There is no much rush or mad crowds like one can see in the cities.

One can enjoy the beauty of natural life at this wonderful area. People in Maldives are very nice and always welcome tourist. Over and above, they have variety of seafood dishes that are plenty and reasonably priced. They have nice beaches to sit and relax. Good shopping places as well.

I do not have any negative feed back to mention about this place. It is a good place to all provided one respect and follow the law and rules of this land.


Comments for Retirement Move:
London to Maldives

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retirement in the Maldives
by: irina

Hello Jeff !!!

how did you manage to stay on retirement in Maldives ??? do one need a spacial visa ???

how much it costs to you per month because all the resorts are very expensive.... how do you get your money from england ????? and do you live on your own in a house you rent or in a resort ????

Thank you to tell me how one can do this, because I would like to retire in the Maldives form France !!!

I understand you when saying that everything is calm, not in a hurry, and beautiful around you !!!its too much !!

Kind regards thank you for your answer on ischirinsky at

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