Seeking Brother Bon's correspondence...

by Alexander
(Sevastopol Ukraine)

I welcome you to be in correspondence with me.

I welcome you to be in correspondence with me.

For first of all let me introduce myself. 2011 year - I am a single 61 years old man. When 60 years old came to me and said:” Hello” My work said:”Bye” to me or I said:”Bye” to my work. I am retired and I am alone.

I took a travel to Russia, Caucasus, Israel, Greece and Ukraine. I did enjoy the world of seas and lands. I live on area of the former town-republic Chersonese founded 4 Age B.C.

I graduated from the college. I worked in a town power supply company where I was a chief of the department office. The company gives the light at houses and on streets.

I am a Orthodox Christian and each Sunday I attend a church.

I like the fishing. I like reading. I enjoy bicycle when my legs work. I play the chess and sometimes I make a mosaic pictures. Recently by bus I took the trip on a mountain, 1449 metres (4833 foots) height above sea level where I did watch sky, sea and many colors sunset, beautiful corner of my area, so beautiful that each time you visit them they give you a sense of happiness and fullness of life, tune all your being to the uncommonly simple and fruitful special inspiration!

I do not want to leave here, from the area where I live in Sevastopol, city with paint galleries, museums, theatre, near sea, mountains, trees, and flowers. I feel comfortable I have own 2 rooms flat in 28 flats house. Ukraine is independent country with full democratic freedoms, President is a Christian.

I like to take a walk in good sunny weather in park, forest to watch the animals and birds. I enjoy listening to different music.

If you have any questions for me, please feel free to ask me. I will look forward to hearing from you.

I would like to make the friends, who know to remain all alone, who can feel the loneliness of senior age man. I do hope that we will be able exchange the friendly e-mail letters. It is why I am here.

Take care.

Wendy Alexander, My grandparents on my mother's side were from the Ukraine many many years ago. They met in Canada, married and had kids, then the whole family moved to Michigan, USA.

Both grandparents immigrated as young teens, alone with no family, so it's difficult to trace anything back on their genealogy.

I don't see many from the Ukraine out here on the internet, at least, not where I visit.. so it was nice to see you!

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Nov 12, 2015
Peace of Mind
by: Texas Jane

I enjoyed reading your words. It is very rewarding to read about someone who has found peace of mind with nature and where they are in life and where there are physically.

Jun 13, 2014
Crimea - Ukraine or Russia?
by: Sigrid Mills

For Alexander,

I only read your letter now and wonder whether you can still correspond with the outside world. Please let me know.

I'm catholic, have Swiss and Australian nationality and live in Perth, Western Australia.

Take care. Kind regards = Sigrid Mills

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