Simple Meditation

by Guinn
(Tecumseh OK)

Sometimes I am a little weird. I like to sit in my recliner. I put a blanket over my head and it is so comfortable. Then I breathe through my nose.

Example: I tell myself: breathe in good, then I breathe out through my mouth: breathe out bad.

Breathe in joy...Breath out despair
Breathe in calmness...breathe out distractions

It does me a lot of good to do this, and I need to pray after it which I am not very good at.

Anyway I can start with meditation and then learn to go to my prayer closet.

Thank you. Guinn

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Meditation I love that!
by: Dean/ Nashville TN

Thanks! That's so simple. I'll bet a lot of people who've never meditated will try because of your post.

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