Sleep escaper (before retirement)

I'm 6 months away from retirement and gave my notice 3 weeks ago.

Since then I've only been thinking about how life will be on the other side and my anxiety level has built to where I only get 3 hours of sleep.

I'm not sure if I want to take meds for the short term or just try and push through this, but 6 months is a very long time to persevere.

Any suggestions?

Comments for Sleep escaper (before retirement)

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by: Canadian Retiree

Wow, I can relate to your anxiety before retirement. I had anxiety pre retirement and post. It was horrible. I had a terrible time adjusting.

Sleep is crucial to good health. Take Wendy's advice and make some plans. Having too much time on your hands after many years of being busy at work is not a good thing.

Retirement is not a one size fits all journey. I felt bereft and lost for quite sometime.

I did finally make peace with my decision and have found things to do. It takes time, but don't lose sleep thinking about it.

Just do!

Book writing for the sleepless dreamer
by: William HI

Be a book writer;
Book writing has an income plus the movie industry is always looking for new writers of all subjects.

Stories are made of dreams.


U control your future
by: Tom in Vancouver

I feel your anxiety since I also dealt with your issue BUT what I have learned is YOU control your own future especially now that you are retired.

Be aware of the negatives ie. budgeting n reduced income etc...but spend more time focusing on the happy things...your bucket list.

You can decide to focus on the negative but think of it as a totally new exciting future. No more focus about work and each day opens a new page where you can finally pursue things that make you happy, smile and laugh.

Life is've worked your entire life to reach this create your own happy can do it cuz I did it along with so many of your friends and family..we are supporting your efforts..take care

Sleep escaper (before retirement)
by: Anonymous

I faced the same as you do, slept only 3 hrs for a few months.

1) Take approved anti-anxiety pills (normally about 6 months)

2) Develop a routine and stick to it. Should include 30 minutes exercise (outdoor if possible), twice a day. This helps to sleep

3) Volunteer or do some part-time if possible. I volunteer twice a week.

4) Have regular meals/tea etc with a goup of friends where you can share jokes and laugh.

5) Join a local club/activity (ping pong for me, twice a week)

6) Above all, spent some time daily with God and read the Bible

Sleep escaper (before retirement)
by: Tammie/Sarasota

I just wanted to share something I found useful in my own transformation to retirement.

Last fall, I changed my employment from full to part time. I did this for several reasons

(a) I wanted to gradually reduce my income and adjust my spending to see how retirement and life will be on reduced income.

(b) By having "free time", I am now experimenting with different activities that I may do, such as volunteering, babysitting my wonderful grandkids, taking some extended camping trips. I have found there are some things I thought I would like doing, but really don't.

(c) This is also a time for adjusting both physically and emotionally. I quickly found out if I had too many days of nonscheduled activities, it leaves a person thinking too much about things out of your control and may affect sleep, etc. which is not healthy.

This is just another phase of your life and will have both rewards and challenges.

You need sleep
by: Wendy, Retirement Enthusiast/Coach

You do have options:

1) retire earlier?
2) ask your employer to let you transition into retirement, full-time to part-time to retirement?
3) take melatonin or sleeping aids to get sleep?
4) get anti-anxiety meds?

5) PLAN -- plan now. Don't leave this part up in the air... Plan and know that you are moving forwards.
  • Write out a list of things you might do when you are retired.
  • What will you do the first week or two, when you go from full-time work to retirement nothingness? Travel? Sleep all day and wake up depressed
  • What will you do every day for the long term?
  • Will you work part-time? Volunteer?
  • Write a list of things you need to do around the home.
  • What hobbies/interests will you pursue?

    There are many many more options. Start to write down your thoughts instead of leaving them roam free in your head which will bring your anxiety down, and may bring answers too!

    If you'd like to chat about your retired future, contact me using the top navigation bar
    -- About Wendy===>Contact Wendy.

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