Waiting for God
by Bro. Boniface
(Muensterschwarzach Abbey, Germany)
Waiting for someone is certainly not one of our favored things in life. We wait at the doctor´s office, we sometimes have to wait in line for something, or we wait for our train or bus. Waiting seems like lost time, we imagine what all we could do during this time if we were somewhere else.
And yet is not life a waiting game? Once we are conceived in our mother´s womb we wait for nine months for the day of light. We wait and grow and wait some more while in school, collete, life to begin in earnest perhaps with marriage. We await the next stept on the ladder that brings us further up the chain of command perhaps. And so life goes on, waiting.
And then we are of senior age. For what do we wait now? Some may wait for retirement to begin, for activities in life to change, for new pleasures to begin. And then for what do we wait? Is it not in the end that we are waiting for God? How many of my brother monks are waiting in the infirmary for the day when the Lord tells them it is enough, come and enter the joy of eternal life.
Sometimes when I see our elderly or old confreres I wonder. How long must you wait and live and wait and suffer and live life as best you can.
When ones senses are ok and the mental capabilities work one can perhaps make some use of the time. When I see one who is not lucid anymore it seems to me that the waiting must be harder for this one. Or is it? That question I cannot answer. I trust that God is also in the waiting towards the end of life and makes it bearable for us.