What have I done?

by KayLee

It is 9 months since I stopped working and I was beginning to settle into the more relaxed timeframe. I was not doing anything new or really exciting but was enjoying my dogs, garden, catching up on reading.

Then it happened. I was offered a consulting contract for 1-2 months which I completed.

Now I am on a second contract and am not quite sure how I ended up back in the work force or how to extricate myself again. I have turned down a third contract. i know some of you are wondering why I have a problem with this. Surely it is good to keep busy and the money is certainly good.

The problem is that I cannot work up any enthusiasm for doing the same work that I left 9 months ago.

I would be interested to know if anyone has gone back to work and found that it is just not the same. I loved what I did but cannot get really excited by it.

Have I just passed some point of no return ? I am bewildered and confused. It was so easy to get sucked back in.

Comments for What have I done?

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Other interest
by: Larry J. Durand

Hi everyone,

Since i retired about thirteen years ago i have found other interest as i always wanted to belong to an all male chorus group.

I really enjoy singing at nursing homes and we will pick a Sunday and sing in churches... like one Sunday we sang in nine churches.

This has been a lot fun and you get to meet other guys with the same interest. I will be a member ten years this spring.

You have to find an interest in something other and you will be surprised how well life is when you get older.

Take care Larry

What Have I Done
by: Pat

Kay Lee

I worked for the same company for 50 years and even still I hesitated when it came time for me to tell myself that I really was going to retire.

Co-workers told me not to look back.
That was over two years ago and I have never regretted retiring.

It was difficult to finally cut the rope, especially when my supervisor told me on my last day to call her if I ever wanted to come back...it will never happen, but talk about feeling needed.

You really do just have to cut the rope and not look back.

Know what you mean
by: Anonymous

Although I am not entirely in the same situation I feel the same way. I have over 35 years in with a government job and the last two jobs I worked 7 years each.

Both jobs I loved but reorgs forced me under micromanagers. so within a year to go before early retirement, I am just learning another new job.

This one really should fire me up, great boss, nice coworkers but I just don't have that oomph or excitement any longer. I am going through all those feelings you described. And the younger coworkers can't really related to me.

I feel displaced. I am hoping to find something fulfilling and rewarding part time once I retire.

Thanks Jeff
by: KayLee

Thank you. I fell better now that someone else has had he same experience. I turned down the third contract to sit out the winter. I have definitely given up on the winter commuting. It is good to be able to make that choice,

You are so right about the people. Even though one of the contracts is with people I worked with and enjoyed, it is still falling flat as they are now part of a different organization and I am an outsider.

Your winter plan sounds good.

Going Back
by: Jeff

Like you I have gone back from time to time and you're right, it's not the same. Everything is different and the people seem different.

For me I am no longer in going back and with winter so close I know I made the right choice.

I can no longer do the job I once did and you know -- I really don't want to.

So this winter I will be inside nice and warm enjoying my paper and coffee. Happiness can be found in such small things.

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