Working for the company i receive a pension from

by Michael
(New York)

I retired from Company 1 and receive my pension from them. They asked me to come back to consult, but in NYS you can only work 900 hours from a company that you retired from. They needed me full time, so they hired a consulting company, who in turn hired me.

So, I actually work for Company 2, the consulting company, and they provide the service to company 1; So I actually do not work for company 1, the company I retired from, on the books I work for company 2, the consulting company...they pay me.....the work I do is directly for company 1. This has been a practice for years to legally circumvent the 900 hour law.

Now company 1 is saying the 900 hour law applies to me, even though I technically work for company 2. Any thoughts?

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Working post-retirement
by: Wendy,

I googled "900 hour working/retirement law in New York" in an attempt to find the law -- but not enough time to research. If you can find it, you can see what it actually says.

The same was true in County government when I worked. A retiree could return and work a max of 1000 hours a year. Over 1000 hours meant you had to be a member of the retirement system -- and you couldn't contribute to the system AND withdraw pension payments at the same time. That was "law" in the Retirement Ordinance, so you might look in your own Ordinance.

My thought is that working for another employer would totally work out, but without reading the actual "law", it's hard to say.

Hope this helps!

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