Writing Blog Posts, Now What?

by Irwin Lengel

Quick question re the blog site you set up for me, I am writing blog posts on Lakeland Musings by Irwin. Is there anything special I must do other than post on a frequent basis regarding getting comments back from those that may on occasion read those posts?

I don’t know if I am saying this right or not. So far I have made approximately two posts a month to the site but am working towards once a week. What must I do, if anything, to encourage others to visit the site and comment on what it is I post?

I have decided I want to be more proactive with my writing and thus look to you, my favorite writing guru, for guidance.

Comments for Writing Blog Posts, Now What?

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WOW.. You’ve got a great start… Go IRWIN!
by: Wendy, www.retirement-online.com

You probably should start posting new articles on Facebook. Every time you publish a new one, grab the website address for that specific post, and write a few words on FB, then post the link. Your family and freinds might click – and comment under the posts, one comment gets more, AND if they — LIKE — your post, then all their family and friends see what they liked, so someone else clicks and reads.

Ads: Do you want to add "Ads" to your site for income? Usually you need a good 20-30 before they will approve you, they want the site to look like a real site, a business. If you'd like to do this, tell me and I'll help.

Amazon: You might also become an Amazon Affiliate. You’d write about books or products you love and use — and link to Amazon. If anyone buys, you get a commission. It doesn’t pay much per article sold, and only pays out when it hits $100 minimum, BUT sometimes you will write a great review, people visit and click and buy — and you make money.

Othertimes, you review a $2.99 book — but the person buys a $300 food processor and you get that commission (any purch within 24 hours). At Xmas time, you want those Amazon clicks, as you never know what they might buy for Xmas shopping.

Best Wishes!

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